TON Blockchain Explorer
Total blocks
Total number of blocks in the masterchain and in all shards
Average block time
Average time for a new block to appear on the network
Total balance of all accounts in the network
Circulating supply
Total supply minus balances on Treasury accounts
Total accounts
Total number of accounts in the network
New accounts 24h
New accounts in the last 24 hours
Active DePools
Number of DePools with non-zero stakes
DePools stakes
Total amount of stakes in all DePools
Number of current validators
Total staked
The current balance of the Elector contract, which includes the stakes of validators in the last cycles
Rewards yield p.a.
Annualized rate of return on the current cycle stakes
Total rewards 30 days
Total amount of validators rewards in the last 30 days
Ordinary transactions total
Total number of transactions in the network without tick-tock transactions
Ordinary transactions 24h
New transactions in the last 24 hours without tick-tock transactions
Legal notes